Set Your Bucket List Goals: My 2022 Highlights & 2023 Goals

Set Your Bucket List Goals: My 2022 Highlights & 2023 Goals

Hello, 2023! Somehow it is already a new year and that means new travel goals! I typically avoid a new years resolution and instead I prioritize items from my bucket list that I aim to accomplish each year! This allows me to prioritize my time via vacation days, my money by planning out my budget, [...]

25 Tips to Maximize your PTO Days

25 Tips to Maximize your PTO Days

When was the last time you checked your vacation balance? Have you not been using your vacation days because of the pandemic? Consider a stay staycation, a mental health day, and begin planning your vacations this year! The United States of America doesn't have the best work-life balance, so it's important to maximize your PTO [...]

Set Your Annual Travel Goals + My 2022 Goals!

Set Your Annual Travel Goals + My 2022 Goals!

Quote: "The journey is my home” Muriel Rukeyser Somehow we are already one month into 2022!? What the heck! While most people have already broken or forgotten about their new year's resolutions, I haven’t forgotten about my annual bucket list and goals! I prefer to take items off my larger bucket list and prioritize a [...]

12 Experiences and Eco-Friendly Items that Make Perfect Gifts

12 Experiences and Eco-Friendly Items that Make Perfect Gifts

"Life is a collection of moments" For the past few years, I have prioritized the motto "experiences over things" and try to live this out as much as possible. While we will inevitably have to purchase tangible things or items that aid in our experiences, life is made up of the small and big moments [...]

7 Reasons to Spend Your Birthday Embracing New Experiences over Things

7 Reasons to Spend Your Birthday Embracing New Experiences over Things

"Travel is the only thing that makes your richer" Experiences over things. A motto I try to live my life by as much as possible. For several years I have asked for experiences or money to pay for experiences for my birthday and holidays. I have gained a strong love and appreciation for the experiences [...]

12 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Usage on Vacation and at Home

12 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Usage on Vacation and at Home

"Our oceans should be full of water, not plastic" While #plasticfreeJuly may be over, I hope we all can continue to find ways to reduce our plastic consumption all year long! I’ve rounded up 12 ways you can reduce your plastic usage both on your next vacation and at home. As someone who loves exploring [...]

Let’s Treat Every Day like Earth Day

Let’s Treat Every Day like Earth Day

"Every day is Earth Day" My hippie heart loves taking care of, celebrating and exploring this insanely beautiful planet. From Pinterest to Instagram, you’ve probably seen some crazy landscapes and you can bet most of those are on my endless travel bucket list. Sadly, many of these places are being worn down by us humans... [...]